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The Duke of Edinburgh Award is a transformative youth programme that promote unique skills, build confidence overcome numerous obstacles for both present and future. This programme is truly a wonderful experience which has enlightened me and many of my peers last year.

The Duke of Edinburgh consists of 3 Levels: which are Bronze, Silver and Gold. The Heathland School offers Bronze and Silver awards, in year 10 and 12 respectively. Each of the Duke of Edinburgh award levels consists of 3 sections: Physical, skills and volunteering. For Bronze and silver over the years,  I have chosen to do Martial Arts for my physical, tutoring for my volunteering and Bengali classical music for my skills. These sections can vary between 3-6 months depending on your award. After completing the three sections you then conquer the real challenge, which is the expedition; this is prepared during the year alongside your three sections. Here you choose a group between 5-7 (depending on how many pupils join the course) and you work together throughout the year on your routes and essentially prepare for your expedition. During your expeditions, you will be assessed by experienced assessors. They will be reviewing the evidence on whether each person in the group has contributed, whether they are reaching for their main aims and if they are all working together as a team. The Duke of Edinburgh award was founded in 1956 by His Royal Highness the Late Prince Phillip and is now operating in more than 140 countries. As the Captain of Duke of Edinburgh, it truly is an honour to represent such a remarkable programme as it has allowed me to view the world in a more fresh perspective which has increased my perseverance to truly feel gratitude of every step I take in life and not only view the achievements in the past, but the present and the ability to feel that accomplishment in the future. DofE to me is a journey, a journey that is rare, a journey that alters your mindset especially how you think, act and perceive life. 



We are proud to offer the Duke of Edinburgh award in year 10 and 12 here at the Heathland school. Aside from it being an excellent opportunity on any application for out students to show outstanding commitment, dedication and discipline, we also enjoy helping our 80+ award students each year overcome the most mental, physical and emotional challeges faced yet all with a smile on their face and having secured lifelong memories and friends. For more information, see the display in the PE corridor, visit or find Miss Sharpe in the Art Department